About Fishveg

Protein, Veg, Microgreens and no fossil fuels!

Why did we create Fishveg?

Fishveg was created to supply high end produce using no fossil fuels or GMO sourced seeds or fish. We weren’t happy with the way fish was farmed or how the veg was grown making the soil and oceans poorer isn’t sustainable!

Created by a team of professionals who collaborate there skills and tackle the ever growing need to sustainably feed families both good protein and vegetables. Founder and Engineer, Karl Ahmed piloted the growing techniques for years before investing in a fully commercial setup stretching to acres in the rural settings of Royal Berkshire.

What is the mission of Fishveg?

Its a British Agritech company that is committed to growing sustainable exotic (sushi grade) fish, vegetables and microgreens. Selling to the top end restaurant businesses, grown in Berkshire with a low carbon footprint, ethically farmed and with little waste.

Agriculture is the world’s largest industry. It employs more than one billion people and generates over $1.3 trillion dollars worth of food annually. Pasture and cropland occupy around 50 percent of the Earth’s habitable land and provide habitat and food for a multitude of species.

Fishveg is an innovative company that emerged during the unprecedented times of the 2020 Pandemic when there were rampant food supply issues. The creators of this company have come up with a unique solution to combat food scarcity by designing non-soil growing techniques that infuse the potency of Artificial Intelligence. Their non-soil approach has been proven to be the unparalleled method to support any type of crop. Furthermore, they simultaneously make use of sustainable resources such as the Sun, Wind, and the ground, allowing them to grow products while keeping in mind the preservation of Mother Earth. Unlike companies with immense growing centres that inherently carry a massive CO2 footprint, and put their entire production at risk of getting wiped out by a single disease, Fishveg has categorically strategized six distinct growing environments that enable them to specialize their produce rapidly as the demand surges. With Fishveg, you get quality produce that is not only healthy but also made with utmost care for the planet.

How does Fishveg help to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Here’s how Fishveg helps to meet these goals:

1. SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Fishveg’s sustainable vertical farming techniques ensure a consistent and reliable supply of fresh, nutritious produce. By growing food locally and efficiently, they contribute to reducing hunger and improving food security, especially in urban areas.

2. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
Fishveg’s commitment to growing high-quality, pesticide-free produce promotes healthier eating habits. Access to fresh, locally sourced vegetables supports better nutrition and, in turn, contributes to improved health and well-being for the community.

3. SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
By utilizing off-grid energy sources, Fishveg reduces its dependence on conventional power systems and contributes to the use of cleaner and more sustainable energy options. This aligns with the goal of ensuring affordable and clean energy for all.

4. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Fishveg’s approach to vertical farming represents innovation in sustainable agriculture. They are pioneers in creating efficient, controlled environments for crop growth. Their methods can serve as a model for sustainable infrastructure development and innovative agricultural practices.

5. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Fishveg’s urban farming approach reduces the environmental impact of food production and minimizes the need for transportation. This contributes to creating more sustainable and resilient cities and communities by reducing the carbon footprint associated with food supply chains.

6. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Fishveg’s sustainable farming practices, including reduced water usage and pesticide application, promote responsible and eco-friendly consumption and production. They minimize waste and environmental harm, aligning with the goal of sustainable consumption and production patterns.

7. SDG 13: Climate Action
Fishveg’s commitment to reducing CO2 emissions by utilizing off-grid energy sources directly addresses climate change and supports the goal of taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

8. SDG 15: Life on Land
Vertical farming reduces the need for large amounts of arable land. By using this innovative technique, Fishveg helps protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems, contributing to the preservation of life on land.

In summary, Fishveg's sustainable vertical farming practices, emphasis on clean energy, and commitment to reducing their environmental impact make them a valuable contributor to several of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Their approach not only addresses food security and health but also plays a significant role in advancing the broader goals of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

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